Wednesday, August 08, 2007


I wanted to share a layout from a swap that I did with a new friend from TSS. Amy Birch did this of Logan and its just awesome. Can't wait to put it on Logan's first page of his scrapbook. Thanks a million, Amy!

The other thing I am posting tonite is some of my photography that I have been experimenting with. These are purple cone flowers and they stand at least 3 feet high. They are in my front yard garden and I just love them.

This scrapbooking hobby has brought me so many wonderful friends that I truly enjoy seeing their work, chatting with them and hearing from them. Scrapbooking is definitely a sisterhood that beats all!


Amy Birch said...

Awww, thank you Debbie! Believe me, the pleasure was mine! Logan was such a dream to scrap!!! My daughters loved looking at his picture!!!

Beautiful flowers!

I, too, feel extremely blessed to have met so many wonderful friends like you through scrapbooking! This hobby, that I love so much, has really changed my life!


Kelly said...

Amy did a WONDERFUL job on the layout, it's beautiful.

Your flowers...WOW, I love cone flowers. What a lovely photo!

Theresa Tyree said...

Amy sure did an awesome job on the layout. It'll be something the family will treasure for always and will always remember Amy for.

I have flowers from the Botanical Gardens that I want to scrap.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that! It's how we met and I'm so grateful to count you as one of my friends! Also, I love the page of your is so awesome to get a page from a friend (I know, because I LOVE the one you sent to me of Duncan)!
