Thursday, August 03, 2006

With Alot of Help

With alot of help from a real sweet guy I got my really messed template fixed. It is now looking like I want my blog to look. I guess I shouldn't worry about such minor things with what has gone on this past week. My heart goes out to those families who lost their loved ones in that horrific plane crash in Sullivan. Someone else we know lost his fight with cancer this week. And this very afternoon we heard that a friend of my daughter's 11 year old brother was missing since last nite but was found safe and sound soon after we heard about it. I feel so blessed to have the family I have and cherish each moment with them. Life is sometimes so brief that I promise myself not to sweat the small stuff. Try a random act of kindness, or kiss a loved one, praise someone for a good deed and be sure to thank the good Lord for a blessed life. God Bless.


Anonymous said...

debbie that is so true we sure need to keep our priorities straight

Anonymous said...

aww, I'm so glad you got your blog straight..I'm just like you when it comes to minor things like that it bothers me soo much, and you are right, it really shouldn't...I'm glad to here the boys was found safe...
Love Ya!!

Anonymous said...

Great stuff Deb. I know you were glad to get your dreub back home. How is colean. Linda B.