Friday, June 29, 2007

A Pirate's Birthday

As most of you know Theresa's Connor turned 4. This past Sunday he had awesome Pirate theme birthday that Drew got to attend. Cake, ice cream, goodie bags and swimming to top it off. I wonder why it was a Pirate theme. lol JD
Included in the goodie bag was a toy airplane. This is what Drew and his Daddy came up with.


Anonymous said...

How fun! It's so cool that Drew and Connor get along so you and T!

Theresa Tyree said...

Awww, I love the model airplane that Drew and Jared made from that kit. That's so cute! I hope he had fun with it. Eric and Connor love doing those little kits together. Connor had such a great time at his party! He loved his 4-wheeler. Quit telling everyone about JD!! You're gonna get me in trouble. I guess that's why Drew's card was my favorite. Wink.