Thursday, June 07, 2007

Finally Posting Again

Theresa, my best friend keeps telling me I need to update my blog, so this one's for you, Tree! I went scrapping today with another one of my friends and finished two two page layouts and almost have another one page lo done tonight. I am on a ROLL!
I have tons of pictures to scrap but never enough time to get caught up. I used a transparency and stamped Happiness walks on busy feet on the left side and then in the bottom left hand corner I stamped TRIP on a transparency and put it on top of the ZOO word. Tomorrow I will try and get the one I just finished tonight which I tried to incorporated a bit of everything and go outside my comfort zone. It still looks pretty simple to me. I will have to get Theresa's opinion on it tomorrow.

And now for the soapbox...I want to say do the crime pay the time. I am sick of hearing again and again that someone like Paris Hilton getting out of jail time free and clear. Put your big girl panties on and buck up!!! IF it was one of the little peons we couldn't do anything about it because we don't have our hands in the politicans pockets. Enough ranting and raving. God Bless and take care.


Anonymous said...

Awesome design Debbie and I'm so glad you're posting again, too. I check in almost every day (some days, twice, heh-heh). Take care and catch up to you soon!

Theresa Tyree said...

It's about time! I'm so lucky that I get to see your stuff IRL!