Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Favorite

I am still among the living. Just been a bit too busy and not having too much interesting things going on in my life. Hopefully I can blog a bit more and also scrapbooking a bit more. Theresa and I went to CKC in St. Louis, and for me it truly was movivating trip. Seems like I got somewhat of my mojo back and now if I could find more time.
Spring is my favorite time of year because everything starts budding and blooming. And my favorite flowers are tulips.

Here are a couple of pics of Logan at the start of a teething cookie and almost the end. His first tooth finally broke thru and he has finally got the hang of crawling.
He doesn't want to much of that because he would rather pull himself up and get around that way! Got to get off for now because its movie nite with Beth my second daughter. Take care and God Bless!


Anonymous said...

Great pics! Also, so glad you had the chance to catch the convention -- it's always just so much fun!

Theresa Tyree said...

Logie is as yummy as that cookie! LOL!